To purify all things that hinder the conduct of life and lead you to the blossoming of your destiny.
It is a ritual with great spiritual power.
The fire is not lit with a match or a lighter. It is a pure fire that was created by bringing the light of the heavenly sun to the earth.
In the early morning of Risshun, the starting point of the year, an annual ritual is held to light the fire. Similar to the Olympic torch, the sun’s rays rising from the East are focused through a lens. The fire is then lit in front of the gods for a year, and the fire itself is worshipped.
Light is both sun and fire.
The power of purification resides not only in water, but also in fire.
Your life is being taken care of by the protection and assistance of the gods. Focus your prayers into the fire ritual. It will purify everything that hinders progress in your life. It’s like stopping, taking a good look around, and then moving forward again. It is akin to misogi.
Wooden Prayer Stick
You can also entrust your wishes to prayer sticks.

Prayer sticks are available at the entrance to the shrine.
Please write your wishes, name and age on the stick and leave it at the shrine. In exchange, you will be given a talisman to keep.
Prayers will take place at the nearest fire ritual (either the 2nd, 12th, or 22nd of the month). Please watch the video above to see the fire ritual.
Date: 2nd, 12th, and 22nd of every month
Prayer stick: 500 yen
Special Prayer Boards by Mail
We are able to send you a special prayer board by mail. The shipping fee is 500 yen. Prayers will take place at the nearest fire ritual (either the 2nd, 12th, or 22nd of the month). Please watch the video above to see the fire ritual.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the shrine directly.
Phone number: 0551-36-3000
Office hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Date: 2nd, 12th, and 22nd of every month
Special prayer board: 7,000 yen (minimum fee) from January 1st, 2022.
Performed Three Times Each Month
This ceremony is held at 2:00 p.m. on the 2nd, 12th, and 22nd of each month.
It lasts about 30 minutes.